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respect the birds!

respect the pigs!

respect the wildlife!

war for fresh air


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for fresh air

91% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality exceeds WHO guideline limits.

mindsetter Dominika Batista_Earth like m

Latest data shows steep rises in CO2 for seventh year. Before the industrial age began, the CO2 concentration was around

280 parts per million (ppm). 
Last year (2019) we will face another human disastrous achievement 411 ppm. 
In COVID-19 times air pollution drastically dropped. We should and we can sustain such positive change.
Humanity is only 200 000 years old, and in 260 years we ruined global air quality by two thirds. At 1000 to 2000 ppm, the air quality is low. 
From 2000 to 5000 ppm, CO2 concentration starts to cause problems like headaches, insomnia and nausea. 
You can calculate yourself, when the grand-grandsons of yours will face choking.

full chapter . . .  3 min read

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war for clean water

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for clean water

Developed states should send convoys of water experts 
to underdeveloped countries to help remedy poor water management
and assist in  establishing ecological management of 
water cycles and resources.

Oceans, rivers, lakes, wetlands, underground freshwater all are suffering from different human causes. 
Eutrophication - excessive richness of nutrients which causes algal blooms. 
Climate change increasing water temperature results in the death of many aquatic organisms and disrupt many marine habitats. 
Coral reefs are bleaching! 
Atmospheric water pollution is happening daily, water particles mix with carbon dioxide sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, and forms a weak acid. 
Corrodes and leakages of underground storage tanks affect surrounding soil and groundwater we drink. 
Oceans are polluted by oil on a daily basis from oil spills, routine shipping, run-offs and dumping.
Nuclear waste is produced from industrial, medical and scientific processes that use radioactive material. 
Three are also industrial waters, marine dumping sewage and wastewater.
We all witness the dramatic damage of plastic waste in oceans around the world, 
 of bottled water sales continue to grow!
Money greed kills us alive.

full chapter . . .  3 min read

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respect the fish!


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for healthy 
soil & food

The UN should immediately add a formal decision
and a ratified agreement in the collection of treaties between countries banning the export of food with very few exceptions globally.

All global food production should be excluded from the export network for profit and each country should start to rely on its own food production.
Global food exports should be the first of the banned products in favour of sustainability, 
in particular long-distance food transport.
The UN should immediately add a formal decision
and a ratified agreement in the collection of treaties between countries banning the export of food with very few exceptions globally.
These internationally agreed measures will encourage countries to achieve more sustainable production.
This will be followed by the automatic elimination of huge monocrop plantations and intensive livestock industries.
By 2030, the intensive livestock industry needs to be restructured into environmentally friendly farm family estates.
Countries should order in 2020 that meat or fish be ordered in restaurants only twice a week. 
Meat or fish can only be purchased twice a week at a personally assigned butcher shop or fish market. 
Unfortunately, nature, the environment and animals can no longer be exploited to infinity, there is simply no longer this freedom and humanity has done it all to itself. 
Positive nano changes will start happening, one cow will be gradually replaced by a vegetable garden,
and step by step towards a complete transformation of the food industry, dietary habits to biodiversity in food production. The following positive side effects, such as reduction of packaging (waste).

full chapter . . .  3 min read

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respect the cows!

respect the chickens!

respect the pigs!

respect the chickens!

war for healthy food
mindsetter Damijan Jermancic_Earth like
war against demaging economics

F | R 
against damaging


7,5 b


international law should oblige every country to have an executive law that allows only one happy job per person. 
Profit is forbidden.

Our world economy prefers to dominate over serving the people, which is why economics is generally proclaimed the failed discipline of the century.
Money laundering accounts for as much as 2-5% of the world's global economy, of which it is a part, and banks are

its largest corrupt players.
The World Bank and IMF are in crisis. 
Nearly half of global wages received by top 10% and bottom half of all workers are paid only 6% of total pay,

says International Labour Organization. 
Only to cut the lowest and highest values on the diagram of huge wages unbalance, would prevent biggest

world humanitarian crises. 
Global unemployment is near to 212 million (before COVID-19 times), and International Labour Organization warns of mounting social unrest amid income inequality 
and high youth unemployment.
It's time to push a radical new vision to erase

seven sins of capitalism: 
amorality, inequality, poverty, externalization, 
gross domestic product, private property, and usury. 
Appropriate technology 
is teaching us of enoughness. 


full chapter . . .  3 min read

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war against demaging politicians and politics

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against damaging politicians and politics

A lot of present world leaders are civilized dried up, intellectual empty, emotionally discoloured, and backed by billionaire oligarchs.

Many newly elected leaders are malicious, so we can conclude

that the voters they elect are equal to them. 
I am deeply convinced that the pollution has already caused damage to their intelligence, to their white matter in the brain. 
We breathe in 10,000 litters of polluted air a day which enters

the brain along the olfactory nerves from the nose to the brain, 
or they get into the blood and consequently reduces intelligence.
The Russian act of turning a beluga whale

into a weapon is the last phase of a political nervous breakdown.
A lot of present world leaders are civilized dried up,

intellectual empty, emotionally discoloured,

and backed by billionaire oligarchs, 
the ultra-rich are benefiting from disaster capitalism as institutions, rules and democratic oversight implode.
Ursula von der Leyen who was elected for European ‘top job’ as leader has exploitative slave roots and seven children. 
How she can be example of bright leader in Anthropocene era? How can she even think to be

credible representative for future Europe?
Governments and firms in 28 countries are being sued over climate crisis.


full chapter . . .  3 min read

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for stopping destruction of natural environment

All the worlds’ national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and rainforests including all of Arctic and Antarctic

should be strictly

protected through  UN. 

Polluting the planet may became as condemned as a slavery was and collapse of civilisation is on the horizon, 
Sir David Attenborough is saying. Humanity has removed 60% of vertebrates (animals with spines), since 1970, among all animals on the planet. This huge loss is alarming. Henderson Island is an uninhabited coral atoll located halfway between New Zealand and Peru in the south eastern Pacific Ocean. 
Considered an environmental "gem" by UNESCO, the island's beaches are now strewn with an estimated 18 tons of plastic garbage 
or 38 million pieces of plastic – the highest density of plastic debris ever recorded. In the Philippines, an autopsy on a dead whale by a marine biologist removed 28 kilograms of plastic from stomach. But the deadliest news about the plastic pollution is that birds’ eggs in high Arctic 
contain chemical additives used in plastics and micro plastics have been found in human faeces for the first time. 

Producers, designers, shoppers! 
Think twice before you produce or buy. Wake up from mass hypnosis!

full chapter . . .  3 min read

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respect the bees!

war for stopping destruction of natural environment

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against harmful built environment

No new natural site may not be sacrificed for one new building

or any kind of construction

from now (2020) on. 
Not on the land not on the sea

not in the air.

 “The construction industry accounts for about one-third

of gross capital formation.

Governments have major roles as clients, regulators and owners

of construction companies.  

The industry is consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt: large payments to gain or alter contracts and circumvent regulations are common,” wrote Charles Kenny in the 32 pages long World Bank Documents & Reports document.  

The leading politicians did not make even one good move after 2008 Global Financial Crisis which was in realty real estate crisis. 
More than 100 cities have emerged across Asia and Africa since

the early 2000s.

The villages, however, remained abandoned.
Short radical solution-the construction industry should be terminated. 
Humanity has more than enough built structures and infrastructures, the gargantuan fond needs only smart re-qualification, re-definitions and re-structuring. 

Further spread of urban formations could be equated

with the growth of cancer in the body of the Earth.
 No new natural site may not be sacrificed for one new building

or any kind of construction. 
Not on the land not on the sea not in the air.

We should not do new, we should renovate.

full chapter . . .  3 min read

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war against harmful built environment

F | R
against damaging production attitudes

“I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things”!
Produce living green stuff, not dead technology!

Earth is evidently in chaos

Call for historical radical changes: Hard industries must transform to soft ones, transportation and telecommunication, 
info technology production must be minimized. 
Over-consumption and over production abolished.
UN tasks:
All states governments should start in 2020 to forbid profit. That is the base for going towards good.
 Then they must start to dissemble big corporations into 
balanced - environmentally friendly (sustainable) small sized smart family manufactures.
Food industries rearranged to smart balanced - environmentally friendly (sustainable) farms.
Packaging of food into smaller packets then 50 kg/l should be forbidden. 
People should buy all things with their personal reusable bags, bottles, boxes.
Transportation should be very limited. Transportation for work purposes should be banned. Proper planning - live where your work is or work where you live.
Use of all unnatural materials should be banned by 2050. Chemical plants should be closed.

3D printing should be banned.

full chapter . . .  3 min read

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war against damaging production attitudes
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